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6 Tips for Working with a Chronic Condition

6 Tips for Working with a Chronic Condition
Be honest with yourself – This might mean that you have to acknowledge symptoms at work and confront them with the same care and compassion you give to your patients.
Control your stress – If you are having a particularly stressful day at work, take a mindfulness break.
Find Work-Life balance – Be sure to take off time when it’s needed and schedule intentional rest on your days off.
find a trusted provider – Find someone who specializes in your condition and be sure to establish a healthy provider-patient relationship.
Be mindful of disclosing your condition – This means that if you are going to disclose to your boss and co-workers that you have a long-term condition, you must have a plan and do it with intention.
Never tell others before you tell your boss – You are not obligated to tell anyone. However, being honest with your supervisor is much about your self-care as it is about them.
Know your rights – The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law in 1991. This Act requires your employer to make reasonable accommodations (when possible) so that you can perform your job.
Use these tips to help you manage.

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