A Visual Guide to Deep Vein Thrombosis

A Visual Guide to Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms inside a vein, usually the leg.
The clot can break off, travel through your bloodstream and get stuck in the lungs. A common symptom of DVT is a leg swollen below the knee. You may have redness and tenderness or pain in the area of the clot. Pulmonary Embolism is a clot that moves into your lungs and blocks the blood supply. It can cause trouble breathing, low blood pressure, fainting, a faster heart rate, chest pain.
Anything that damages the inner lining of a vein may cause DVT. If your blood is thick or flows slowly, it’s more likely to form a clot.
Some people with a higher risk are those who: have cancer or have had surgery. Are on extended bed rest are older, smoke, are obese or sit for long times.
Women are more likely to develop DVT during pregnancy and 4th to 6th weeks after giving birth when they have higher levels of estrogen. Birth control pills and some treatments for postmenopausal symptoms raise the amount of estrogen in a woman’s blood, that can increase the odds of getting DVT.
Studies show long-distance travel — a trip that lasts more than 4 hours doubles the chance of developing DVT.
An ultrasound is the most common way to confirm you have it.

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