Myths of multitasking
Myths of multitasking.
1. Multitasking is a Myth. We can really only pay attention to one thing at a time. “Split attention” is more descriptive than “multitasking”. The brain does have cognitive limitations when it comes to multitasking.
2. Cognitive Stacking. Cognitive stacking is the new term for multi-tasking. Cognitive load theory says that when overloaded with information. The ability to process new incoming information is affected. Extraneous load is when workflow increases cognitive load such as going multiple places to obtain equipment to perform a procedure. When cognitive load theory is ignored, workflows are created that set nurses up to fail.
3. Blink Effect. It’s a small amount of data lost in a small amount of time but in certain situations, it can be serious. Safety and productivity are affected each time we change tasks.
4. Danger of Distractions. Anything that draws attention away from the task at hand and forces attention on the new distraction, disturbance or diversion even temporarily, puts the person at risk for making an error.